Hold Fast
Wow, it feels like forever since I've gotten to share my heart here on the blog. My life has been anything short of calm and easy. In the last month we've lost two grandparent's. My mom's dad (papa) went to be with the Lord on August 28th, then Kody's mom's mother (Grammy) passed away one month and one day later. So it's been a little rough. God is so good to us in these times because with both of our loved ones we got to spend some special time with them just before they passed. For that I am so thankful. These two people helped shaped both me and Kody into who we are today and they will be greatly missed!
My papa and Odessa Rose.
Kody's grammy, Sara Lee.
My four year old, Sheridan keeps asking the question, "how do people go to heaven?" I love that she's so inquisitive when it comes to knowing the things of God. She really wants to know. It's not some off the wall question to her, you can tell she's really putting some thought into it. She's got the answer down now that you have to believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again and that He did it so we could have life here and then in heaven with Him after we die. I love it!
Other happenings around the ranch happen to be wrapped up in a little buckskin pony that Nana Dena (Kody's mom) gifted Sheridan. His name is Ziggy and he is Sheridan's best friend, besides Odessa of course! She has to say hi to him every time we drive in or out of our driveway. She has to feed him and clean his pen everyday, mom can't help! He's not aloud to get disciplined by mom, because he didn't do anything wrong (I don't let her or him get away with this one, haha!) I love how horses teach kids responsibility and confidence. I mean if you can get a stubborn pony away from patch a grass all on your own, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!
Sheridan and her new pony, Ziggy!
Onto this weekend, I have the grand pleasure of having my beautiful friend, LeAnn Hart out to our church, Northern Colorado Cowboy Church to speak with our ladies on Saturday. If you can make it, doors open at 8:30 am! Then she'll be speaking to everyone at our Saturday night service at 6 pm. All are welcome!! I know I can hardly contain my excitement, I know lives will be changed by the words God has given her!!
Finally, I just wanted to let you in on what God has been speaking to my heart. If you've read any of my posts about my testimony, you know that I grew up in a religion that was just that, religion. It wasn't relationship. I've always struggled with seeing and treating God like my friend and my daddy because I was raised to believe he was this all powerful, far of Being that only cared about how good I could be and what I could do for Him. I'm really just starting to grasp how much He loves and cherishes me. How just like my own earthly daddy, He would drop anything to come and sit and hold me when I'm sad, laugh with me when I'm joyful and push me to go further and farther than what I can see possible. I was just reading in Deuteronomy 11 about following God's law it reads, "For if you carefully keep all my commandments which I command you to do-to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, and to hold fast to Him." When the Bible says "hold fast to Him" it indicates a very close and intimate relationship. It's the same verb used for the relationship between a husband and wife. Holding fast to Him means that I put this relationship as a top priority, that I let Him into the deepest parts of me and that I share my life with Him, just as I do my husband. The coolest part is that God has the power to heal me, make me whole and to restore me!
So with that, all I can say is hold fast to God and never let go!
Much love,