Country Wife, Country Life

I will always somewhat live a country life being a country wife! The other day while talking to a dear friend I realized how far I have come in learning who I really am! I know that sounds silly, but honestly we can sometimes get caught in all the things that we think we are, that we are actually not. Last August we sold our house and our land as most of you know. We listed it on the market, sold it within 6 days and had a week to find where we were going when the time came to pack up! Then throughout those weeks we sold almost every livestock animal we had, catahoula cow working dogs and hound dogs. Within that year I sold my horse that I had since I was in high school and my son decided he wanted to sell his horse as well. God told us to sell our truck and we traded it for .... drum roll... a mini van, yes a mini van! Each thing we sold was a piece taken away from me that left me thinking, "was that a part of my identity?" I had allowed some of those possessions to get in the way of my true identity, one that I had lost through different things and eventually ended up in a depression because of it. All along, God had been there showing me that He was my identity, not these things! The last couple of years, God has continued to show me who I am and who He has called me to be. Although, there has been times that I have left my mind open to the "once was me", and allowed the enemy in for me to question myself of who I am. After slamming, and I mean slamming the door to those thoughts, I realized it's easy to let our mind slip into the past and into everything else that's going on around us. I started to think, "why am I doing this blog?" I am not a cowgirl anymore. I don't live on a ranch or even have chickens. I have two dogs and live on a couple acres rented closer into town. Now, that's nonsense to think that. As I told this to my friend, the words I heard back was obvious revelation that I knew better not to think these things. What was said was, "it doesn't matter who you are, where you live, what you do, how you do it as the world thinks!" "God doesn't put you in a box and the gospel is more than just being a cowgirl or living on a ranch or owning a horse, a chicken, or even a cow!" "His word travels no matter who you are and there is importance in that and not in the way that I am either country or not country!" I may never live on a farm, a ranch or even an acreage. I may never own a livestock animal or ride a horse again, but I will always somewhat live a country lifestyle and be a country wife at heart. The most important thing about it all is that wherever I live, whatever I do, I'll do it with the utmost respect, honor and integrity honoring the most amazing man I know, Jesus! 

Till next time,  

Kirste !