
Mornings around the Lostroh house are almost always my favorite time of day. Usually Odessa is super smiley and is happy to be laying on the floor where she can get her legs and arms moving. Sheridan, depending on which side of the crib she woke up on, is usually very talkative and pointing out any of cows or birds she can see out of the windows. And Kody is drinking coffee and talking with the girls as I make breakfast. It always feels  like the "calm before the storm" because once breakfast is over we are getting on with the busyness of the day. The cows need checked, yearlings need fed, fence fixing, weed spraying, baby chasing and whatever else the day may bring. Especially during the summer when we have daylight until 8:30pm we may not all be back in the house until 9pm. So mornings are the one time we can guarantee that all members of the family are together without a lot of distraction. I'm truly enjoying this time in our lives. IMG_1318