Winter Wonderland

Brrr.. is all I have to say about 20 degrees and wind out here on the prairie.  My sweet girls have been begging me to take them outside to play, so I relented.  We bundled up (around here that means snow pants, coat, scarves, gloves, hats and snow boots!!) and braved the freezing wind.  Sheridan made a beeline for the trampoline in which she had great fun running and sliding in the snow that lay upon it.  She talked me into letting her take her gloves off which lasted a whole minute before she started complaining of how cold her hands were.  "Lesson learned!" I'd have to say!  I know that's what God must say to Himself when I make a bad choice, haha!  Sometimes I wish He didn't give us choices, then we could live in this perfect little world, Adam & Eve never would've sinned, evil wouldn't have entered into this world.  But do you think we would've been happy?  Probably not, that's not freedom.  I guess the way to think about it is that God wanted us to choose to love Him, just the same way I wouldn't want to make my husband love me, I want him to choose to love me.  There's such freedom in having the freedom of choice and I believe our God really knew that would be true with us. snow4

Odessa is obsessed with climbing the boulders that lie around our fire pit.  She's so fearless and I have to constantly keep an eye on my little daredevil.  I'm trying to not be the helicopter mama who hovers above her child but that kid is so quick that once I look away from her she's onto the next dangerous thing that she can climb on.  I've really been asking God what to pray over my kiddos.  I've resolved to never let them believe that there are limits with God.  I want them to truly take in and believe Philippians 4:13 that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them, we even made up a song for that verse.  I've found that Sheridan can remember just about anything if I put in song form for her.  You should here all the silly songs we've come up with, ha!

snow3 snow2 snow1

Tonight at Northern Colorado Cowboy Church is First Tuesday service and I have to say that this is always my favorite service of the month.  It's such a Holy Spirit led service and Kirste and I will get the honor to lead worship tonight and I'm super pumped for it.  There's a new song that we're introducing to the congregation from Bryan and Katie Torwalt called King of All the Earth.  It's such a great song!

Speaking of tonight, I put my outfit together of what I plan to wear.  I didn't do the whole Black Friday shopping thing but I did stop in to a couple of stores yesterday just to pick through all of the left overs.  I found this great wool vest with a knit Aztec back and fur collar at TJ Max for $30.  I'm in love with thick vest like this because is layering is the only way to dress in Colorado where our weather is so unpredictable.  Black is seriously my go-to color right now.  It's just so sleek and flattering and I feel like I can add fun accessories to add color and dimension.  I plan on pairing it with a sweater from Target, my fleece lined faux leather leggings from the Hidden Arrow, my Boot Socks and Frye booties.  I'm in love with these leggings, they dress up any outfit and they are so warm!  I'll top it off with some of my fave jewelry, can't go wrong with silver and turquoise.


The rest of the week I plan to get lots of indoor projects done as well as some organizing done throughout the house.  Oh and of course we'll be camped out in front of the TV starting Thursday to watch the NFR.  I'm kinda bummed that we aren't there this year, but I'm praying that Kody gets back to riding soon and we'll be there in 2016!  I pray you all have an amazing week!

Much love,
