A bittersweet goodbye

Good afternoon!!! I hope everyone is having a super great start to the week. I am enjoying the cooler weather here in Colorado and getting pretty excited for fall to start! With it being the weekend that it just was (Rosh Hashanah) I felt like I wanted to write to you guys and share about our recent bittersweet goodbye. Some of you know that we had been preparing to move as we sold our house in six days when we first listed it. After packing, getting rid of stuff and getting ready to move there was a lot of stress. We knew we were suppose to sell our house and that it was the right season for us to move into the newness that God was creating for us. Although, we had not found a place to live yet. Being human and allowing some of my "Kirste" thinking to get in the way I started to get kind of nervous. But, God has never failed us, so why would He now. Faith isn't faith unless your test it out right? With one week left before we had to be out of our house, we found a a place to go and moved in three days!  As we pass our old house every Tuesday and Thursday as we drive to pre-school Traycen reminds me that's where our "old" house was. As he says that it makes me realize the old that is there at that house. I feel like in each season that we are living we have things we wish we could change or go back on or even maybe memories that we love and wish we were still in that particular moment. There is memories from that house that I will never forget that were good and bad, but those memories are only memories, not where we are headed next. I feel like there is importance in acknowledging certain memories so that you can grow from them. There may be some that are of laughter and some that are from pain and tears, but with them all take where you have been and look into where  God is leading you next. Our eyes should be focused on what He has for us always.

God is faithful in all things! Although this move didn't really look like how I would have chosen it to look like, it all worked out and now we are in an "in between" house twenty minutes closer to town. During this time we are just relaxing and really seeking God for where He is calling us to go next. Our eyes are open to discover the goodness that He continues to show us. I have been listening to Kristene Dimarco's new cd "Mighty" lately. If you haven't listened to it I highly recommend that you download it! It's not only amazing, but for the season that a lot of people are in it's just that! Every song that I listen to speaks to me so much in the season that I am in. Throughout this whole cd are songs that are so fitting in my life right now. For example she speaks of how we trust Him, through it all we keep our eyes on the Lord, and that He is our only answer and our only strength. Whatever it is that you are in , know that God holds you in the palm of His hand and is walking with you through each and every one of your situations. We are to trust him through it all. He is the ultimate one!

I pray right now that during this time you evaluate where you are with God. We stand before God and open up our hearts to allow God to begin a new work in us. He's taking out the old and bringing in the new. I pray that as you walk in the newness that you would begin to see His goodness in all things and that you would exalt Him through the old and the new, the good and the bad. I pray that you wouldn't ever feel alone. God is always right there walking with you, covering you and wanting to love on you, so let Him.

From a kind gentleman I met today, "it's okay to not be okay." We all feel like we sometimes have to have it all together and let's be honest we don't, or at least I know that I don't. Jesus is saying just come sit with me, let me take care of you and take care of your needs. I am your everything so just trust in me!

Till next time,

XOXO Cooped Up Cowboys Wife
