Glorifying Him

Hey everyone!I hope your summer is going as well as mine is. It has literally flown by for us at the Wegele house. We listed our house on the market and sold it within 6 days. As for right now we are standing in faith to where God is bringing us next and it's exciting and nervous at the same time. But, I am choosing to trust in God and the provision that He has for my family and I. I can truly say that I am super excited for the new season that God is taking us into. Anyways this last week our worship team got to go on a trip to Long Beach, California for the Jesus Culture Experience Conference. We all arrived and were ready to receive all that God had for us. With amazing speakers, worship and Gods miracle healing hand, we definitely can say we experienced God in so many new and wonderful ways.

One thing that really stuck out to me was the atmosphere of this conference and the love of God that He was pouring out on people. After one of the ministry/worship sessions the speaker prayed and asked that we all would just lift up a shout of praise to the Lord. As people began lifting their hands praising God and just yearning for Him something took place that was so amazing. As the speaker left the stage people continued to just worship God in awe of Him and what He was doing. About five minutes passed by and the speaker came back out to close the service. Although he was not able to close the service because the power and presence of God was so huge in that room. He left the stage and we all continued to worship. Even if you started to think you were done worshipping and praising the Lord, you would hear someone shout and scream for Jesus and you couldn't help but just lift your arms to continually praise Him. To our amazement we all stood there worshipping God, singing praises to Him and lifting our voices and our hands to the Holy one for fifteen minutes.

Wow! That is the only word I can say to explain that moment. Candace and I had been talking about it and how she had just recently gone to a country concert. The people would scream and yell and jump up and down for the country artist in awe of that singer and the joy that he brought them. Candace had stated how sad she felt to see that. He is just a man. How can we stand and scream for someone we idol but some of us can't even stand up and shout out for the name of Jesus! That day at the conference we all stood there as ONE unity in the body of Christ standing, shouting and yearning for Jesus and no one was even up there speaking, or playing music. This is such a pure example of the love and power of Jesus Christ.

I hope this brings some perspective to you today on how BIG our God is and all that He can do. He is so worthy to be praised by us not just on a church day, but EVERYDAY!

Till next time,

XOXO Cooped Up Cowboys Wife Kirste