A Reminder of Love
Good morning everyone! Today is an early morning for us here on the prairie. The hubs, CW, has to get up a little earlier lately so that he can get all his work done for his new job. We set the alarms (his phone, my phone and the alarm clock) hoping that one of them will stay on long enough to get us up and out of bed. Lately, we have been so tired with preparing to sell our house, so getting up earlier than expected is honestly quite the challenge considering we do like our sleep! Anyways, once we get up I go make the hubs some spark and get all his vitamins ready for him. Then I pack his lunch and help set him up to leave the house easily. I really don't mind doing these things. I look at them as just showing him how much I love him. This means I am able to get up early with him, spend a little time and then send him off for the day because he is the bread winner at our house! To say the least it's not that hard to do these small things for him so that he can go to work to provide for Traycen and I. I love him and helping him out whenever I can.
With that being said, I have a question for you. Do you ever need a reminder of love? I truly believe we all need a reminder of love whether it is from your spouse, mom or dad, friend or child, we all need that reminder at some point. This can be daily or weekly or however much you need it. One thing I have learned lately is to share with the people I love just how much I love them! For example, I know that I tell my husband and my son that I love them every day, numerous times a day when I see them. But, do we go beyond that just telling them we love them? I guess you could say that the hubs and I have been rekindling a fire between us and showing and sharing with each other just how much we love each other. This is anything from a handwritten note in his lunch, going out of my way to do something for him or even most recent, sticky noting throughout the house just how much I love him. I love doing these things. It initially started with the book called "Love Dare." If you haven't heard of it, it's amazing! This book is a 40 day challenge that leads you through daily devotions where you will perform simple acts of love towards your spouse. This book has been said to "help you reinforce and enrich your marriage, earn back a love you thought was lost, and hear more about the One who not only designed unconditional, sacrificial love- but He illustrated it." Can you say, "wow!"
For us, starting out our mornings reading this book has been amazing. We get up, read daily and then have the task at hand of the "dare" for that day. I honestly can say this has opened up even more communication for my husband and I and given us a way to more effectively explore how we are to love one another. I think it is so easy for each person in a marriage to get complacent and to live "worldy" in their marriage. Trust me I have had my share of hardship in my marriage and complete screw-ups (thanking Jesus for His grace), but God has a greater purpose for our marriages then this self-seeking, do what makes only YOU happy type of relationship. We are to value our spouses, love like Jesus loves, and respect and honor each other in every aspect of our relationships. We have to choose to love on purpose and pursue our spouse daily.
This has been a great reminder for CW and I . It has reminded us that our marriage is not about us as individuals, but it's about us as one. God created us to be one flesh and to live and dwell with Him. He wants us to be in a marriage covenant, not a marriage contract. A marriage covenant is an agreement, a promise made with God for eternity. This is a design for marriage of what God's intent is and not this world's. By choosing to love like He loves and thrive on the conditions of what a Godly marriage is we can survive through our marriages. I encourage you all to take a look at this book and test yourself. Whether your spouse is on board for reading and taking the 40 day challenge or not, you can still do this. Remember it's not about you and what you're doing. It's about what God is doing in you for you and your spouse. Look to Him in ALL things and allow Him to show you how to love like He loves.
I was going through old cd's and came across this song. Listen to it, because love is a not a fight but something worth fighting for. So powerful!
Till next time, XOXO Cooped Up Cowboys Wife Kirste