A loving New/Used Dog

So as Candace and I have both said before that both of our husbands LOVE getting new dogs! (I think it's more of an obsession!)  Most people have one or two dogs, but not our families.  I was excited to be down to 3 dogs, Pearl and Winston our cattle working Catahoulas or what Traycen calls "Cahadgahounas" and Ziggs, a huge Australian Shepard, best friends with Traycen.   imageimageimage











We had just sold almost all of our catahoulas and then one that was super timid to Traycen, so I was okay to hang low with the dogs we had for now, knowing in a few weeks we'd be getting, yes another puppy that was a Blue Tick Hound!  But, you know how things go sometimes!  We have awesome friends who are always looking out for us and knew we had been interested in Blue Tick Hounds and sent us a craigslist ad.  Sometimes, craigslist is great when your looking for gently used things for kids, playsets (we found ours for $100, originally would have been $1,500), vehicles (our beat up old ranch truck), furniture (pretty sure everything in our house is from craigslist, thrift shopping or garage sales and it's been re purposed) and ect.  But, sometimes animal ads are kinda questionable!  For example the horse ad that says "Broke kids horse"… then you show up and you wonder whose kid you would put on that horse because it's definitely not even the least bit broke!  Or the ad that says friendly dog, and then you take the dog home to see that it was only friendly by itself with no one around…! Despite all that we decided to call the people to take a look anyways and were we shocked at what we found!  The ad said "Loving Dog Needs A Good Home", and she sure was a loving dog.  As we greeted her she licked and loved on Traycer and seemed to fit right in with us.


 Shortly later we were at home with this new dog!  I was still questionable about the dog a little, as we knew nothing whatsoever about her.  Monday morning rolled around and we decided to pack up and bring her to the vet.  Of coarse, Traycer packs up all his doctors gear to bring with us so he can assist the vet.  At the vet's, he takes out his doctor tools and starts checking his new dog and listening to her heart beat, checking her ears and making sure he gets the first look over her before the actual vet, while wearing his knee high socks, new nike kicks, two t-shirts and his shorts and "baggies- used to bull fight". After getting her checked out, we did find out she was actually more like three years old than one, but everything else looked great. We took her back home and the hubby tracked her on a raccoon and she is amazing!!! Not only did we get a winner for Traycen, but she actually has a great nose and wants to hunt and track animals! Excited for this  journey with our new dog….. who was shortly called Blue, but now officially called "Daisy"! 

Here is a picture of Daisy and Traycen! BONUS: She's potty trained!!!  








Check out Craigslist.com in your area to see what bargains you can find on there, but always remember if it's questionable, check it out first! 

Would love to hear what awesome finds you've had on craigslist! Here's a few that I've found!

-Rustico T.V. Entertainment Center from American Furniture Warehouse Org. $800…..Mine $20

-Pallets to make a pallet couch off of PINTEREST ….Mine FREE

-Dresser with 6 drawers Org. $150….Mine $35

-Huge dog house Org. $200….Mine (Free or up to $45…because we have a lot of dogs so we need a lot of dog houses)

-Old ranch truck $400 

