Running With My Girls

First off, congrats to Royals of Cambridge on their little baby girl!  Girls are so much fun!  They are filled with a lot more drama and emotions than boys, I hear, but they bring so much joy into our lives.  Our house is full of dress-up, princess movies, unicorns and the best of all, the cuddles from my sweet girls. This week was a busy one for us.  Kody was home all week so it was great having him around because the girls just love their daddy.  He brings such a different element of fun into their lives that mommy doesn't always fulfill.  He can toss them in the air higher, make up fun games and let them ride pretty much anything that has four legs around the ranch.  There's such a huge place for daddy in a girl's heart and I know God made them that way!


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Sheridan went to the dentist for the first time this week.  Our doctor said it'd be best to get her in there between 2 and 3 years old, but in my book it was a waste of time.  They counted teeth and gave her a tooth brush.  I know it's more about getting her used to the whole ordeal, but I could've done that at home.  Oh well! 


There wasn't a whole lot of playing outside this week because it rained a lot, but we still managed to enjoy the sunshine.  The girls got to play in the yard and I got to finish some projects I'd been working on.  Sheridan loves to paint and if she has a choice between playing outside or painting, she'll choose painting.  I always try to make the compromise of painting outside, so we both win.  Odessa is a totally an outdoor girl.  If we walk into the mudroom for anything she expects to go outside and she will scream if we go back into the house.  It's amazing how siblings can be so different!

We had one full day at home on Wednesday, but then we were back at it again on Thursday to take Odessa to the doctor for her one year check up and shots.  That part was not fun, but afterwards I took the girls to the outdoor mall where we got ice cream, checked out the fountains and visited Barnes and Noble.  It was a great "girls day!

icecreamodessa1pic1This girl loves to shop!  When we'd walk past a store, she'd say, "Mom, look at that pretty dress!" or "Oh mom, can we go look at the pretty flowers in this shop?"  I think we're in trouble!  She's also turning into quite the outgoing, little lady.  There's no more hiding behind my leg when a stranger tries to strike up a conversation with her.  Now, she'll go into some great tale about how she played outside that morning and saw butterflies or how her little sister was trying to take her toys the night before.  I don't know where it all comes from, but it sure cracks me up!


On our way home we got to see the most beautiful and bright rainbow that I've ever witnessed.  I love seeing God's promise to His people in the sky for all to see.  I really wish I would've pulled the car over to get a better picture because this one does not do it justice.


Today,  I'm letting the girls play around the house for the morning then I'll get them down for naps.  When they wake up we'll head to town for a Kentucky Derby party.  I have always loved watching horse racing and it's on my bucket list to get to go to this infamous race someday.  But for today, this party should be a fun time with my girls.  I'll make sure to take lots of pics with our hats on!  Kody should be home this afternoon from a bucking bull futurity and we'll catch the big Mayweather vs. Pacquiao fight tonight.

I hope you all have a fun weekend!  Make sure to check back with us on Monday to see a fun post with lots of rodeo wife/girlfriends and what their Top 5 essentials are for spring!

Much love,

Cooped Up Mama Candace