Happy Birthday Traycen!

IMG_2642 I'm stealing this post from Kirste today to wish her little man, Traycen, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  He's turning 4 years old today and when I think of Traycen I think about how much a Man of God he is already showing the world around him.  That's quite an accomplishment in four short years!

If you've never met Traycen before I'd like to explain the 4 character traits that are shaping him into be Godly man:

1.  He's SO giving!

I know this because every time he comes over to our house he has a present for Sheridan and Odessa and it's usually his favorite snack or out of his toy box.  This kid would give my girls anything in his bedroom in a flash because Kirste and C.W. have raised him to be just like them.  They really are the most generous people I know.


2.  He's tough!

I've seen this kid have some major wipeouts and he just gets back up and keeps on going.  He's built like a house too! 

3.  He sticks up for others!

Kirste's told me countless stories of Traycen stepping in when other kids are getting picked on.  I always love to watch him and Sheridan because when she's having a hard time getting her boots or coat on he's jumps right in to help her get them on.  He's such a great protector of her!

4.  He's got fire!


It's all or nothing with Traycen.  He's so passionate when it comes to everything he does and if you want to see inhibited worship of God, just watch Traycen in action.  He grabs his harmonica or gets up on his drum set and GETS WITH IT!  I love it!

A huge part in building these characteristics are his parents.  They are on fire for Jesus and Traycen can't help but follow in their footsteps.  Of course no kid is perfect and I'm sure Kirste could share plenty of her parenting struggles with all of us (as well as myself) but through it all she knows that Traycen is ultimately God's and God made Traycen exactly the way that He wanted him because He will use him in big ways!

Happy Birthday buddy!


Love all of the Lostroh Girls!