Sunny Saturday!!

imageHappy love day from us here in sunny Colorado today!  For February here in Colorado we can't complain with it being in the 70's today.  I went to pick up my little man from his Moomah's (grandma) house after spending the night yesterday.  He was overjoyed as he always has so much fun there at their house!  We jumped in the truck and headed back north to go home when dad called and needed us to stop at the sale barn.  The hubby had been at the hay auction looking for some deals!  When we got there we were all hungry so we went in to eat.  I love local places.  The people who work there are so kind and the food is great!  If you are ever up in the area check out Stockmans Cafe!  Hope you enjoy your day as we did too!!!   


Here's my boys!  I sure do love them. 







imageTill next time, Xoxo

Cooped Up Cowboys Wife Kirste