What I'm Listening to.

th2PHEBFMF If you've been reading our blog for any amount of time, I'm sure that you've caught on that Kirste and I are in love with our church.  It's not the building that we love but the community of people that are in our church.  Our Senior Pastor, Darin Gleghorn, is on a mission to reach people that have been hurt by church or should I say "church people."  God is able to minister through him to people who need healing from prior wounds received by Christians because Darin was once one of those people.  Often so many people are turned off from Christianity because of those "Christians" who choose to condemn those that are in the world instead of loving them and showing them the love of God.  I love the heart of my church because I believe we are loving on people instead of condemning!

This last Sunday he started a new series called "Posture."  In this series he's exploring the different positions of worship and prayer.  I've been on the worship team for about 6 years and in the first 15 minutes of this message I was blown away by what Darin was bringing to light in the scriptures about worship.  Growing up Catholic, worship was singing from the song book along with a woman who could barely sing and let alone play a guitar at the same time.  Man, it was torture!  So when I started coming to cowboy church and I witnessed people raising their hands in worship to God, I about fell over.  I had never seen it before!  But then I learned what it was all about.  It's a sign of surrender to God.  That you're giving Him your all and offering this worship to Him as a sacrifice.  I could go on and on but I would rather you learn from my pastor on this subject.  So won't you join me in the following weeks in either attending a service if you live nearby or listening to the podcast?  You can either go to iTunes and search Northern Colorado Cowboy Church and choose "Raised Hands" for last weekend's message or go to this link click on "Current Series" and again choose "Raised Hands" to listen to it off the website. 

Love you all and God bless!

Cooped Up Cowboy's Wife- Candace