Korn and Cowboys

Last night at our church we attended a showing of the movie "Holy Ghost."  This is a documentary film that is completely led by the Holy Spirit.  Film maker, Darren Wilson, takes his camera around the world in adventure to capture the Holy Spirit's work in people's lives.  It was simply amazing.  People were healed, lives were changed and "God was made famous" which was what Wilson set out to do.  Not only was God made famous but the name of Jesus was spoken in the holy of holiest in the sacred Temple of Sheva in India.  For this to happen should have been a death sentence but with God all things are possible and the name of Jesus changed people right there in a pagan temple.  holy ghost

One of the parts that touched me the most was when the heavy metal band, Korn, lead guitarist, Brian "Head" Welch and bass guitarist, Fieldy came into the picture.  Both men are former drug addicts and alcoholics that gave their lives to Jesus and were forever changed in that decision.  Welch was delivered from his addictions in that moment and gave up his lifestyle as a rockstar to follow God.  Fieldy took a little longer, but got saved as well.  I've heard Welch's story before from the I Am Second videos but to see these guys in action was pretty cool.  Before their concert they went out into the front of the building where people were waiting to get in and let's just say it caused a raucous.  But their mission was to love on people and show that Jesus loved them, even Atheists.  What a humbling experience. 

I always love at the PBR church services how the bullrider's get to pray for their fans.  I know that some of these fans come to the church service with their only intent on being close to the bullrider's but then they get rocked by Jesus and walk away with their lives changed.  I mean what's all the fame and fortune for if you don't have Jesus?  Yeah, people may remember your name, but that's it.  You've heard it a thousand times before, "You can't take it with you!"


So do you have a relationship with Jesus? I'm not talking religion, because religion is man's traditions, but Jesus is calling for relationship.  He wants to come live inside of you and be with you.  You might be thinking, "Yeah, I'm catholic" or "I'm spiritual" but have you asked Jesus into your heart? To take over your life? To live for Him? Being Catholic or being "spiritual" alone won't get you into heaven.  I grew up Catholic, I was baptized and went all the way through confirmation and I didn't have Jesus in me.  I knew about Him, but I didn't have relationship with Him.  John 14:6 states, "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one come to the Father except through me."  This hit me hard as a good Catholic girl!  

It just takes a simple invitation, the Holy Spirit is already pursuing you!  You reading this blog, right?  Just ask Jesus into your heart, tell Him to come change you and guess what?  He will.  He wants to.  He so desperately wants you!  So what are you waiting for?  He wants you right where you're at right now.  You don't have to clean up your life for Him.  That's His job. 

If you have questions about this, ask Kirste or me in the comment section or on our Facebook page.  We'd love to hear from you!

God bless!

Cooped Up Cowboy's Wife- Candace