My Brave Story- Candace Lostroh

   Me, my babies, Sheridan and Odessa and my biggest baby (just kidding!) my love, Kody.

   Me, my babies, Sheridan and Odessa and my biggest baby (just kidding!) my love, Kody.

Standing on the shore...

"What draws people to friends is that they see the same truth. They share it."- C.S. Lewis

It will be 2 years ago this May that Kirste and I got our kids together for a play date and to shoot some pics of my newborn, Odessa Rose.  Kirste and her family at that time, lived way out east of Ault, Colorado on a National Park called The Pawnee Grasslands.  Kirste set up a great spot for us to take some pictures of Odessa and I'm forever grateful for her stellar photography skills.  It was after our picture taking session while Sheridan and her son, Traycen, were playing, that we got to talking about what we do as stay-at-home mamas and how we still want to have something that we can call our "own."  Of course, we weren't complaining about how we have "no identity" now that we're not in the workplace or any of that sorts, but we were simply wanting something that we could do that we could pour our creative spirits into.  Consequently, we both blurted out, "what about starting a blog?"  We both looked at each other thinking, "you want to do one too???"  We both, not only wanted a place where we could share our interests and passions but we knew that we wanted to glorify God in all that we shared on this blog. 

He calls my name...

Leading up to that day I had felt God gently tugging on my heart to dive in deeper to what He has for me.  At the time, I was involved with our worship team at church as well as the volunteering in the ladies ministry.  I knew that where I was serving in church was where I was supposed to be at the time, but I've always had a strong passion for writing and aside from journaling I didn't get to write much at all.  Starting a blog had crossed my mind, but there is such vulnerability when it comes to writing your feelings for all the world to see and I was completely in fear when it came to even thinking about doing that.  I would see some women that I admired share something from their heart on social media and I would think, "Man, I'd love to interview her and ask more questions and see what her heart is on this and this."  So I guess that desire to be nosy into other women's life that I looked up to was what spurred me in the direction of going deeper with God.  He wanted Kirste and I to share what He was doing not only in our lives, but in others as well!  So here we are!

Stepping into the waves...

Kirste and I both had zero experience when it came to setting up a website, so after lots of tutorials on YouTube and talking to maybe one other person that we knew that had blogged before, we launched Cooped Up Cowboy's Wife.  With lots of trial and error and the help of some great friends we embarked on this journey and we've really fell in love with watching where God wanted to take us.  We knew that with Him leading us we would not fail.

Don't look back...

Our fears with beginning all of this were definitely based on the thought of, "what if no one ever reads it?"  It was a definite possibility but after a few posts we would start getting emails and comments about how others were struggling with the same issue that we had just written about or how they had wanted to find a place where women with their interests in the western lifestyle were coming together in a blog and we had been what they were searching for.  We got to connect with other bloggers such as Brianna Hall with the Bleacher Babes and make amazing friendships all through blogging.  When Kirste and I went out to L.A. a couple months ago for a worship conference we got to meet up with one of our readers out there and got to share dinner and talk about Jesus, it was awesome!  Learning first hand that all things through Christ are possible we are continuing on this thrilling journey of blogging and we are so excited to feature all of the amazing women that God has brought into our lives in our Brave Series.

Reaching for His hand...

I don't know how to some it up anymore than just saying that if God has put something on your heart to share with the world, whether it be through blogging, writing a book, getting more involved with your church, missions or any other kind of ministry, don't hold back.  It could be the most out of the box idea, but our God is a creative God.  He created everything we see around us!  He could give you an amazing idea, but He also will give you the choice of what to do with it.  Are you going to step out with Him? Or get left behind on the shore?  You may also be reading this thinking, "Wow, this girl is a Jesus, Bible thumping, Freak and that is so not me."  Well, I hate to break it to you, but I was in your shoes at one time too.  Once you get to experience His unconditional, out-of-this-world love that He has for you, you will never be the same.  I can say with 100% guarantee that no relationship that this world has to offer will ever measure up to the relationship you will have with Jesus once you choose to follow Him. 

Take hold...

Please let us know what's going on in your heart.  Is God nudging you in some direction that you're not sure of?  Do you want to know if it's the right direction?  I'll ask you, "where's your peace?"  When you think of the direction or project that God is leading you into, do you get excited but then fearful?  All I can say is, don't let the devil steal your joy and end your journey before it begins. The devil would love to derail the dreams that God's put in your heart because he knows that you would succeed once you trust God with them.   I encourage you to get into God's Word, your answer is in there, see if you can find someone that will encourage and mentor you through the decision and process and above all else, PRAY!  God's Word promises to protect our minds if we will submit our thought to Jesus and He will be a light unto our path!