Child-like Faith
My girls are 2 and 4, they're free-spirited & strong willed little things. Our days mostly consist of playing princesses, riding horses and playing in the backyard, but lately they've taken a whole new interest in sitting down and reading the Bible. Sheridan, my 4 year old, is asking some pretty deep questions, like why did Jesus have to die on a cross? Why were they so mean to him (talking about the people who killed Jesus)? What is heaven, why is God up there?
She really makes me stop and ask God how He would want to answer these questions. I know that I can always give her the elementary answer for example, "He died so that we could live in Heaven with Him when we die." But I really want for her to know that He did die for that, but He also died so that we could truly live in Him, we could be free from fear, free from the strongholds of the world we live in now, and that we have the authority and power to pull heaven down to earth.
So what's the best way to convey this to her? Live it out, speak it out all the time, listen to Holy Spirit filled worship music and not hold back answers that I deem to mature for her. She blows me away with information that she comprehends and retains everyday. I'm finding out that giving her a challenge is the best way for her to learn.
How easy it is for us to go about our day as believers who know God's promises and His Word, but to not let it challenge us? Matthew 18:3 says, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." It's okay to ask questions, to want to dig in deeper to get the true meaning of words in the Bible. God wants to give us fresh revelation, but I know that He also requires us to do some of the work as well.
“It’s okay to ask questions, to want to dig in deeper to get the true meaning of words in the Bible. God wants to give us fresh revelation, but I know that He also requires us to do some of the work as well.”
I just want to ask, what would it be like to return to how we were like when we were kids, first learning the true meaning of what Jesus did on the cross? Think about that, pray about it and the next opportunity you get to speak to a new believer or a child about Jesus give them something to chew on and go deep with!
Much love,